Page created March 18, 2020. Last updated March 18, 2020.
©2020 Michael Strauch. All rights reserved.

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T6H4521     200-211   1968
T6H4523N   212-221   1975

GMC 205:

GMC 205 on route 6 to downtown at Anacapa and Cabrillo Sts. on September 1, 1971. Scan of an uncredited slide from my collection added 03/18/20.

GMC 207:

GMC 207 on route 7 at the downtown transit center in September 1980. Scan of a slide by Joe Caronetti from my collection added 03/18/20.

GMC 215:

GMC 215 on route 22 leaving the downtown transit center on April 5, 1982. Scan of a slide by Bruce Korusek from my collection added 03/18/20.

GMC 215:

GMC 219 on route 21 arriving at the downtown transit center on April 5, 1982. Scan of a slide by Bruce Korusek from my collection added 03/18/20.

GMC 220:

GMC 220 with route sign turned between routes 6 and 7. No other information available. All I can say is that during the late 1970s, route signs were changed from full information to numbers only. Scan of an uncredited slide from my collection added 03/18/20.